Sterns Stigma Lost Ark: Una’s Tasks send players around the world of Arkesia completing simple tasks such as killing monsters or retrieving items. These are some repeatable tasks and are divided into categories like Daily and Weekly Tasks. Daily Tasks ask you to go to certain locations around Arkesia and perform small tasks like killing a couple of enemies or collecting a few items.
These quests are pretty straightforward to do, and they give you progress toward earning Una’s Tokens are a form of currency that may be exchanged for gold. In this article, we’ll tell you all the daily/weekly tasks of Una and what tasks you should focus on to get the best results.
How to unlock all Una’s Tasks?
It will get unlocked when players reach level 50. Some players can’t reach level 50 due to low income or other reasons. But if you have access to this game’s features, like Una’s Tasks (player perks), you can unlock all of her tasks. In this game, each player has a set of quests they must complete by the time they complete level 50.
To complete these quests, the player will need items from Minigames and NPCs worldwide. The player can use these items to acquire the quest rewards – which include experience points required for players to progress through the game.

What are the Una’s Daily Tasks?
With Daily Una’s Tasks, Una will help you increase your productivity and save time in Sterns Stigma Lost Ark. Every morning at 5 am, Una will send you three daily tasks that each character needs to complete by the end of the day. You can choose any number of them and then refresh all of them at the same time on your computer or mobile device the next day.
Also, you can upgrade this number of daily tasks to 6 if you purchase the upgrade from the Cash Shop.
What Daily Una’s Tasks should you focus on?
To succeed in the game, you must focus on your main character in Sterns Stigma Lost Ark. There are plenty of options to upgrade her and make her more powerful. So, focus on the tasks which reward things that will upgrade your main character.
One of the most popular daily tasks in the game is upgrading your main character’s abilities. Attaching different types of abilities to the appropriate equipment is a huge benefit if you can master them all or just a few specific types.
Daily Una’s daily tasks are chosen from several choices, ranging from different quests and missions to various activities which you can perform daily and focus on getting rare things as a reward, such as the Harmony Leap Stones, Destruction Stone Fragments, Guardian Stone Fragments, and Harmony Shards.
You should consider the daily tasks you have to do in the game and focus on those tasks that will give you these things. For Other characters, focus on getting rewards such as Stat Increase Potions and Giant’s Hearts.
What are the Una’s Weekly Tasks?
Every Thursday at 5 am, Una will send you three weekly tasks in Sterns Stigma Lost Ark that each character needs to complete by the end of the week. You can choose any number of them and then refresh all of them at the same time, the next week on Thursday.
Also, you can upgrade this number of weekly tasks to 6 if you purchase the upgrade from the Cash Shop.
What Weekly Una’s Tasks should you focus on?
It would help if you focused only on the task that rewards that will upgrade your main character in Sterns Stigma Lost Ark.
But this can be pretty stressful that you can choose only one type of weekly quest every week, i.e., one Guardian and one Chaos quest. The Guardian and Chaos quests are still very popular in the game and can be upgraded with many materials.
They have been updated frequently, so if you find yourself short on materials in Sterns Stigma Lost Ark, this may be a good source of upgrade cards. Select the quest which will reward you with Harmony Leap Stones and Harmony Shards.
(FAQs) Frequently Asked Questions
How will you unlock Una’s tasks?
Una’s tasks will get unlocked when the player reaches level 50 in Sterns Stigma Lost Ark, and they’ll start getting daily and weekly tasks. So, you will be able to unlock new tasks using Una when you reach level 50. It will probably take a few hours or days.
When will you get the daily Una’s tasks?
You’ll get a list of 3 daily tasks at 5 am every next day. You will be able to get all these tasks once you refresh the game after 5 am, which is the server time, the next day. Likewise, with daily tasks, you’ll get three weekly tasks every Thursday morning simultaneously.
How to get to the Una’s Task Menu?
By hitting ALT+J or choosing the “Adventure” option on the window’s left side, you can gain access. bottom right corner. Choose the “Una’s Tasks” options here, and then you can have the access.
How to finish all Una’s Tasks?
Just go to Una’s task menu and choose any task you want to complete and complete the objectives of the task objectives that are asked and return to Una’s task UI and then complete the given quest.
What items should you focus on in daily and weekly Una’s tasks?
It would help if you focused on getting items such as Harmony Leap Stones, and Harmony Shards, Una’s daily and weekly responsibilities include shards, destruction stone fragments, and guardian stone fragments.
This is the end of this short guide.
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