How To Farm & Get Guardian Stone Fragments

Lost Ark is one of the popular role-playing video games that resemble Elden Ring. There are lots of weapons and quests that players need to complete in order to proceed in the game.

And there are a lot of rewards and loots items in the game that player can equip and use for various purposes such as boosting their HP, Stamina and much more.

One of the items in Lost Ark is Guardian Stone Fragments which players can use for upgrading the gears expect the weapons. Here featured a guide that covers information related to the Guardian Stone Fragments such as how to farm it and how you can get in the Lost Ark without having much hassle.

Without wasting your time let’s focus on the guide.

How Players Can Farm Guardian Stone Fragments and Use it

Most of the Lost Ark players may already know how important is Guardian Stone Fragment when a player needs to upgrade their gears in the late game because high-end gears can be useful during the boss fights.

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However, obtaining these Fragment stones is not easy here are some of the ways that players can use in order to farm Guardian Stone Fragment in Lost Ark.

One of the best places to farm the Guardian Stone Fragments in the Lost Ark map follows.

  • Chaos Dungeon
  • Chaos Dungeon Rohendel

Players need to complete all quests in both dungeons and players repeat these dungeons using different characters one by one to get more Fragments stones. Most importantly the higher the level of the dungeon the chances of obtaining Fragments stones as per the level.

The easiest way to get Guardian Stone Fragments in Lost Ark is simply dismantling the items that you get during complete the quest.

Where To Get Guardian Stone Fragments

You can also exchange the Perception Shards in Shard Exchange Vendor in return for Fragments stone. Additionally, as a reward for daily logging into Lost Ark, you may also get a few Guardian Stones and Guardian Stone Fragments.

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Players can also purchase the Fragments with these bloodstones from the Bloodstone Vendor that you can find on the northeast of the Great Castle grounds. These are all locations of Bloodstone Vendor in Lost Ark.

You can also purchase the Fragments from Mari’s Secret Shop in exchange for the crystals. Lastly, you can also get Guardian Stone Fragments from other players.

This is the sum up of the Guardian Stones Fragment guide. Here at Gameinstants, we cover all video games such as Elden Ring, Fortnite, Genshin Impact and more information or we can say user guides. For more interesting content do read our Lost Ark Guides.

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