Completing the Altar of Reflection Insight is a little difficult, but today’s Destiny 2 guide is going to try and simplify things for those who are still struggling. Bungie introduced a couple of puzzles in Destiny 2 with The Witch Queen, and clearing one is necessary in order to correctly begin the Alter of Reflection.
After entering one of the Altars of Reflection, players must complete two puzzles.In this article, we’re going to break down where you can find the Reflection Altar in Destiny 2, and, more importantly, how to complete the puzzle.
What is Altar of Reflection Insight?
The Reflection Altar One of the final tasks in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is Insight. There are numerous end-game activities, such as missions for exotic weapons, in addition to giving what is perhaps the strongest Destiny campaign ever.

These activities should keep players occupied for a very long time. Surprisingly, The Witch Queen also provides end-game tasks that are better suited for lone players. The Altar of Reflection is one such pastime, and you visit it multiple times both during and after The Witch Queen campaign.
Altar of Reflection Insight in the Witch Queen
The first of the two Alter of Reflection puzzles is quite similar to one performed during the Campaign Mission, in which a glyph sequence needs to be estimated. You first encounter Destiny 2 Altar of Reflections in the campaign mission.

The Mirror — check out our complete list of Destiny 2 New Witch Queen Expansion Missions for a good idea of its placement in the narrative, but after the campaign, it acts as a standalone challenge.
Altar of Reflection Destiny 2, The Rune Puzzle is one of many features of the new Witch Queen expansion, but the only one that can potentially give its players the puzzle expression. The Altar of Reflection is an Insight quest in Destiny 2s Witch Queen ending.

You must complete the Light Puzzle in order to enter the Altar of Reflection Insight after eliminating the Lusient Archivist adversaries and turning on a nearby Deep Sight. Similar to the quest “Altar of Reflection Catalyst”, you must solve the various puzzles within the Altar of Reflection Insight in order to gain access to the fragments of memories that have been lost for Savathun for so long.
During the Memories of Ruin Quest, you learn to solve the Basic Puzzle, in which you have to determine the incorrect rune group that does not match up with others. Later quests will send you back to the Altar of Reflection location to solve a rune puzzle, defeating a bunch of enemies in the process.
One of these quests is The Insight from the Altar of Reflection, which is campaigned by The Witch Queen. You will complete the first stage of the mission by accepting it, then have to head over to Throne world proper to start the next. Following through with the quest will lead you to the Lost Sepulcher Sector on the Throne World section Fluorescent Canal.

Destiny 2 players will simply have to track down the mission, with markers leading them to a location just above the Sepulcher Lost Sector, located in the Florescent Canal section of the Savathun Throne World.
The marker will lead you to the Sepulcher Lost Sector, you will already completed it as part of the exotic Destiny 2 mission “Parasite, and once you get to that location, you will have to line up a Savathun symbol like you did earlier.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):-
How does altar reflection work?
You will be able to visit a brand-new Altar of Reflection every week that is situated somewhere in the Throne World area. You will receive Tier 1 Powerful gear to help you raise your Power level after finishing two runs.
How do you get witch queen insight?
In order to complete the first seasonal challenge in week 5 and advance to gain insight, the hero must participate in and successfully complete the illustrious PsiOps Battleground EDZ. Progress through week 4 of Operation Elbrus using Risen Energy to gain understanding.
How often can you complete the Altar of Reflection?
The Altar of Reflection may be found in the Miasma zone of Throne World after completing the main campaign. You can finish it to earn greater Power gear and 250 Throne World repute. It will be accessible twice a week.
How do you farm insight in Destiny 2?
You only need to finish particular Weekly Seasonal Challenges to get Insights. Weekly activities called Seasonal Challenges, which have taken the place of Weekly Bounties, ask you to accomplish a variety of goals.
How long is the campaign for witch queen?
Depending on the level, Destiny 2: The Witch Queen will take anywhere between seven and twelve hours to complete. This is one of the game’s longest campaigns. You should anticipate finishing the campaign in seven to nine hours if you decide to play it in Classic mode.
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