Lost Ark: Toto Silver Island Mokoko Seeds Locations

In the game Lost Ark, money is represented by Mokoko seeds. They are scattered all over the map and you can collect them by either pressing G or interacting with them. They are used to boost your Roster Level, purchase new perks and even explore new maps.

It can be used in-game to purchase items and use skills. Only a few drops are found on the ground at any given time. Press G key to collect them. When you collect a pile of 50 Mokoko Seeds, your Roster level will increase, giving you new perks and boosting your abilities.

You can also interact with certain items around the map to earn additional Mokoko seeds or other rewards. However, Lost Ark includes a wide variety of goodies hidden throughout. However, none are as accessible as Mokoko Seeds.

These little seeds have a green light to them and resemble fruit. The numerous islands of Lost Ark contain Mokoko Seeds. The island of Toto Silver has three Mokoko Seeds. To finish this island, players must locate them all. The locations of Mokoko Seed in Toto Silver Island are listed below.

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What are Toto Silver Island Mokoko Seeds Locations?

For the seed, go to your Map Location, you will see Mokoko seeds in the open just before you. The forest minuet will take you to an area where you will be able to find mokoko seeds.

Toto Silver Island Mokoko
Toto Silver Island In Lost Ark

The first seeds are found in an area that is surrounded by a circular rock wall. You will find the second seed by a few shrubs, with two silver Toto’s standing around talking to each other by a bank. Two of the Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds are located at two different locations on the South Eastern portion of this Level 250.

First Mokoko Seed Location: Toto Silver Island

With three Mokoko seeds and the Toto Silver Island being so small, these are easy to pick up.

Toto Silver Island Mokoko Seeds
Toto Silver Island Mokoko Seed Location

Just pass by a few Toto Silver NPCs and hug a wall, and you will be given the option to pick up the first seed of the Mokoko.

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2nd and 3rd Mokoko Seed Location: Toto Silver Island

The final two Mokoko seeds are fortunately clustered close together, so completing The Mokoko Seed Hunt in Toto Silver Island is easy. By seeing in the map, the two Mokoko seeds are located on the same spot their western shore near the shipwreck.

Toto Silver Island Mokoko Location
Toto Silver Island Mokoko Seeds Location

This island will provide you with a brief mission which gives you daily missions for unlocking the Dungeon Passes which are found on the day.

This first island is a little island that has chests that constantly appear around this area that you will run around looting. The third Mokoko seed is located next to a Giant Mushroom in a highlighted position. Take a scent of the Totoyk to Toto Elder in Silver Toto Island.

Video Guide:

This is end of the Toto Silver Island Mokoko seeds location guide for more helpful content do read our Lost Ark Guides.

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