FFBE Tier List (2024): Best To Worst Ranked

Here we shared our latest FFBE Tier list in which we ranked characters in different tiers that have featured FFBE characters from strongest to weakest. There are 68 characters in the game does it confusing to pick the best, especially for new players.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List

Our Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List is based on the character’s damage out, survival rate and versatility in the game to last longer. This tier list has different tiers based S to D in which S tier has the strongest characters and D has the weakest.

S Tier

final fantasy brave exvius characters
S Tier Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List

In the current meta, these units are still extremely strong. You’ll be able to use them to clear later content in the game.

They also have the best skills in the game, all of which are strategically located within their chaining family.

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NameRoleChain Family
Paladin CecilDebufferSupport Stardust Ray
Lightning (FF XIII-2)Magical TankSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity
RenaHealerMagical Attacker
Alphonse ElricPhysical TankStardust Ray
Angel of Death KujaMagical AttackerChaos Wave Awakened Mystic Cross
Sacred Shield CharlottePhysical AttackerSupport Disorder Absolute Zero Aureole Ray
Seeker of Freedom VaanDebufferPhysical Attacker
Aureole Ray Warrior of Dawn GalufPhysical AttackerSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity
Hallowed Aegis CharlottePhysical TankMagical Tank Absolute Mirror of Equity
LucasMagical TankHealer Divine Ruination Absolute Zero
Awakened Warrior of LightPhysical TankSupport Divine Ruination Stardust Ray
Healing Avatar LidDebufferAbsolute Mirror of Equity
White Knight NoelMagical AttackerPhysical Tank Tornado Freeze Absolute Zero Chaos Wave Awakened
Nichol of the Epsilon StarSupportDebuffer Aureole Ray Flood
Rikku (FF X-2)DebufferSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity
Warrior of Light LennaHealerSupport

A Tier

ffbe ranking
A Tier Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List

These are characters you’ll want to develop and keep as soon as possible. Their stats don’t expire quickly, so you’ll be able to use them for a longer period of time.

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Despite the fact that they aren’t quite as good as their S-tier peers, their versatility earns them a place on your team.

NameRoleChain Family
A.I. KattyVersatileStardust Ray Chaos Wave Bolting Strike Tornado Quake Flood Freeze
Doctor AidenHealerPhysical Tank
Emperor FooSupportDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened Avalanche Kick
Daughter of Destiny VanilleDebufferMagical Attacker
Chaos WaveAwakenedQuak
Benevolent Beauty RemMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened Bolting Strike Tornado Freeze
KrylaDebufferAbsolute Zero Bolting Strike Chaos Wave
MyraHealerSupport Bolting Strike
QinMagical AttackerSupport Chaos Wav Octoslash Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination Aureole Ray
RegisPhysical AttackerSupport Aureole Ray Stardust Ray
Sakura & AyakaHealerMagical Attacker
Bolting Strike SylvieSupportDebuffer Bolting Strike Absolute Mirror of Equity
Wildcard AceMagical AttackerDebuffer Bolting Strike Chaos Wave Awakened
Sweet LukaSupportDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination Chaos Wave
Summer Fina & LidDebufferHealer Aureole Ray
SieghardPhysical TankDebuffer Aureole Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity Piledriver Stardust Ray
ZenaidaPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity
Umbral Dragon Dark FinaMagical AttackerBolting Strike Chaos Wave Chaos Wave Awakened
Adventurer LockePhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray
2BPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity Stardust Ray Graviton Cannon
ChowMagical TankHealer
Dancing Heart PeneloMagical TankDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened Aureole Ray
Flame of Rebirth JakePhysical Attacker 
Garland (FF IX)Magical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened
KitonePhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity
Maritime Strategist NicholSupportMagical Attacker
Flood NoelPhysical AttackerAbsolute Mirror of Equity
OlbericPhysical AttackerPhysical Tank Aureole Ray
Sieghard & IgnacioPhysical AttackerPhysical Tank
Rico RodriguezPhysical AttackerOctaslash Bolting Strike Avalanche Kick
War Hero RaegenPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity
SylvandoSupportPhysical Attacker Bolting Strike
Sterne LeonisPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity

B Tier

final fantasy brave exvius ranks
B Tier Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List

These are good units to raise, particularly for their combat utility. They shine much brighter when combined with other top-tier units.

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NameRoleChain Family
AuronPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity
Blue Mage FinaHealerSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity
Awakened RainMagical TankSupport
Edward ElricPhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray
ElenaPhysical AttackerMagical Attacker Bolting Strike Aureole Ray Stardust Ray Disorder
Four Winds PhysalisMagical AttackerChaos Wave Awakened
Gilgamesh (WOTV)Physical AttackerMagical Attacker Chaos Wave Awakened Absolute Mirror of Equity
Kimono FinaMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Aureole Ray
Lezard ValethMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened
LilithPhysical TankMagical Tank Divine Ruination Kingsglaive Aureole Ray Bolting Strike
Lone Lion SquallPhysical AttackerStardust Ray Bolting Strike
MachinaPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity
Mercenary RamzaPhysical AttackerDebuffer
SeiferPhysical AttackerAbsolute Mirror of Equity Chaos Wave Awakened Bolting Strike
Mont LeonisPhysical TankStardust Ray
Mystical Ice LaswellPhysical AttackerDebuffer Aureole Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity
Neverending HopeSupportDebuffer Quake Absolute Mirror of Equity
SelphieMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened Mystic Cross
SerahMagical AttackerChaos Wave Awakened
SolMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Absolute Zero
Tifa (FF VII: AC)Physical Attacker Stardust Ray 
StrangeGourmand QuinaMagical Attacker Support Absolute Mirror of Equity Chaos Wave
Xuan Wu & Qing LongPhysical AttackerPhysical Tank Bolting Strike Avalanche Kick
Adam JensenPhysical AttackerSupport Stardust Ray Aureole Ray Tornado
BerylMagical AttackerMagical Tank Octaslash Bolting Strike Disorder Chaos Wave
BaschPhysical TankMagical Tank
BeowulfPhysical AttackerMagical Attacker Absolute Mirror of Equity Octaslash Tornado
Dark Spirit SolMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Absolute Zero
Demon RainPhysical TankSupport
KimahriMagical AttackerDebuffer
Infernal Fire RainPhysical Attacker Stardust Ray 
King BradleyPhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray Ruination
Madam EdelPhysical AttackerStardust Ray Aureole Ray
LilisettePhysical AttackerSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity
LorenPhysical AttackerDebuffer Blade Prison Onion Slice Aureole Ray
MystinaMagical AttackerSupport Chaos Wave Awakened
Rakish Thief ZidanePhysical AttackerAureole Ray Stardust Ray
QuistisMagical AttackerChaos Wave Awakened
RiveraSupportHealer Absolute Zero Bolting Strike Disorder
Seaside NicholMagical AttackerSupport Flood Freeze Absolute Mirror of Equity
Untamed Wolf EdelPhysical AttackerAureole Ray Stardust Ray
Supreme Deva AkstarPhysical Attacker Absolute Mirror of Equity Aureole Ray 
White Mage RosaPhysical AttackerHealer Graviton Cannon
WilhelmPhysical TankSupport
Zeno of the Beta StarPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination Aureole Ray Bolting Strike

C Tier

ffbe tier list
C Tier Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List

These are the units that make up your “budget.” It is simple to obtain and maintain. You could do a lot better with the game’s current setup, particularly if you’re thinking about the end game.

You can use these units in the early to mid-game, but you should drop them as soon as better ones appear.

NameRoleChain Family
BeatrixPhysical AttackerMagical Attacker Absolute Mirror of Equity
AwakenedOnion KnightPhysical Attacker Debuffer Onion Slice Stardust Ray Aureole Ray
CrimsonPhysical AttackerSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination
Cloud (FF VII: AC)Physical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray Octaslash
Blue Sky Belle FranPhysical AttackerAbsolute Mirror of Equity Bolting Strike Aureole Ray
EllyMagical AttackerChaos Wave Awakened Chaos Wave
ErikPhysical AttackerDebuffer Bolting Strike
Dragon Knight FreyaPhysical AttackerHealer Divine Ruination Absolute Mirror of Equity Stardust Ray Aureole Ray
KadajPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity
IrvinePhysical AttackerBolting Strike
Graceful Champion FangPhysical AttackerAbsolute Mirror of Equity
King Edgar of FigaroPhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray Aureole Ray Fatal Barrage
MorganaMagical AttackerAbsolute Zero Chaos Wave Disorder Bolting Strike
NagiPhysical AttackerMagical Attacker Divine Ruination Graviton Cannon Aureole Ray Bolting Strike Absolute Zero
PrimroseSupportChaos Wave
RebertaPhysical AttackerDivine Ruination Bolting Strike Aureole Ray
Knight of Pluto ZidanePhysical AttackerStardust Ray Bolting Strike
LevinsonPhysical AttackerMagical Attacker Divine Ruination Chaos Wave Awakened Aureole Ray Bolting Strike
TifaPhysical AttackerDivine Ruination
Star Player TidusPhysical AttackerSupport Quick Hit Stardust Ray
YunalescaMagical AttackerSupport Chaos Wave Chaos Wave Awakened
Agent OlivePhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray Bolting Strike
ArdynPhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray Tornado
Wizardess ShantottoMagical Attacker Chaos Wave Awakened 
White Lily Dark FinaMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Chaos Wave Awakened Graviton Cannon
Assassin ShadowPhysical AttackerDebuffer Stardust Ray
Black Mage ViviMagical Attacker Chaos Wave Awakened 
BartPhysical AttackerSupport Kingsglaive Tornado Flood Absolute Mirror of Equity
Aurora FryeviaPhysical AttackerMagical Attacker Absolute Mirror of Equity Onion Slice Aureole Ray Divine Ruination Disorder

D Tier

D Tier Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List

These are average units that won’t last long in your rotation. There are simply more units that can perform the same function more effectively.

NameRoleChain Family
Fina & Dark FinaMagical AttackerHealer Graviton Cannon Stardust Ray
EstherPhysical AttackerPhysical Tank Bolting Strike Divine Ruination Absolute Mirror of Equity Aureole Ray
FlammiePhysical AttackerSupport Aureole Ray
GladiolusPhysical TankPhysical Attacker
Jasper UnboundPhysical AttackerStardust Ray
JechtPhysical AttackerDivine Ruination Quick Hit
KurasamePhysical AttackerMagic Attacker
Quick Hit Absolute Mirror of Equity Disorder Aureole Ray  
Hess King LasswellPhysical AttackerSupport Absolute Mirror of Equity Aureole Ray Divine Ruination
Lovely KatyHealerChaos Wave
Palom & PoromMagical AttackerChaos Wave Awakened Tornado Quake
Operative ZyrusMagical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Zero Bolting Strike Chaos Wave Awakened
PromptoPhysical AttackerDebuffer Disorder Octaslash Running Fire+
PhysalisPhysical AttackerAbsolute Mirror of Equity Stardust Ray
Radiant LightningPhysical AttackerDebuffer Bolting Strike Aureole Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity
RabMagical AttackerPhysical Attacker Bolting Strike Stardust Ray
RemMagical AttackerHealer Tornado Quake
Sweet NicholMagical AttackerDebuffer Chaos Wave Awakened Freeze Flood
Warrior of Light BartzPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity Graviton Cannon
YunPhysical AttackerOctaslash Absolute Mirror of Equity Kingsglaive Bolting Strike
YegoPhysical AttackerDebuffer Absolute Mirror of Equity
Yuna (FF X-2)Physical AttackerAbsolute Mirror of Equity

Hopefully, you find this short guide helpful to know all the current meta strongest characters of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. For more similar articles don’t forget to read our Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Guides.

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