Outriders Best Class Tier List (2024)

Here we have featured the best classes of Outriders. With the help of a guide, you can easily figure out the strongest classes in the game. This Tier is based on our personal gaming experience as you know most of the skills in Outriders are unlocked at the start of the game due to the class’s tress system.

Outriders Best Classes Ranked

outriders best class
outriders best class

There are four main classes in Outriders which one you choose as your main class will depend on what you need to do to complete the tasks assigned to this set of bonus class lists and the best classes to choose from are Pyromancer, Technomancer, Devastator, and Trickster.    

RankOutrider Classes


While the Pyromancer has some scope in his abilities, he is the best Outriders class to play in this central area, where you can deal a lot of damage with his fire-based abilities. The Pyromancer is the worst class on the Outriders class list and takes a long time to run and seek cover due to its cooldown. Speaking of warmth, the Pyromancer is at the very bottom of the list of Outriders class tiers because it is a very indirect class.  

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Pyromancer might be underrated for the best Outrider class because his early game experience is so challenging compared to other Outriders classes. Pyromancer may be the most excellent class in Outriders, but cool doesn’t always mean the best.


If you’re looking for a class where you can deal damage and control a group of enemies, Technomancer is the way to go. Technomancer is a promising career, but not as strong as Trickster or Ravager.

Tank stats and health regeneration make Technomancer a higher-level class in Outriders. In my experience, of all the Outriders classes, Technomancer is the best class, mainly because his set gives him more security without sacrificing damage output.  

Turret health slowly depletes over time and when damaged (unlocked at level 22). Their emphasis on long-range combat is at odds with the aggressive combat encouraged in Outriders. If you choose Technomancer, you can combine “Slow Trap” and Twisted Rounds to successfully control crowds and eliminate the few remaining enemies with Hunt the Prey.

There are numerous completely different lands and environments with varied monsters and challenges to conquer. With a proximity mine, the Cryo Turret, and the Pain Launcher missile, The Technomancer has some remarkable traits. It is outshined by the other two lessons above it on the record.

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outriders best solo class
outriders best class


The Devastator is second only to the Trickster class in Outriders in terms of the best Outriders classes because the Devastator works for players in almost every situation.

It’s also surprising that he has better mobility than the other classes thanks to the Gravity Leap ability, which in my opinion, is a better mobility ability than Trickster Hunt the Prey as it deals area damage and interrupts. 

Devastator is just behind Trickster by way of finest Outriders courses as a result of it works for gamers in nearly any scenario. The Devastator is a defensive master who lets no enemy pass without placing up a battle. 

The Pyromancer and the Technomancer do best in co-op. The former can tag enemies, making them more susceptible to damage. The latter is designed to be supportive, the only class capable of healing other team members. Devastator, as always, could be very robust to degree up and construct. However, combine it with the Vanquisher, and you shall be able to get good harm out of it.


The Trickster class in Outriders is very well suited for solo players or someone with a partner, making it the best class in Outriders. Trickster, on his person, was considered a mid-level character. However, with Reaver, you can get additional anomaly injuries. This will permit you to get one-shot kills, even with bosses.

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The Trickster class kills quickly, but if you get out of position or make a mistake, dying and not dying in Outriders is the way. During Outriders itself, death results in a loss of progress on the world level and post-game. Death is the difference in delivery between an absolute junk cache and a slightly shrunken cache to go a bit slower.  

Using the Temporal Blade can slow and interrupt, Hunt the Prey allows you to teleport quickly, and further upgrades make the Trickster class in Outriders very dangerous. The Trickster class in Outriders offers players a hit-and-run style with the power to warp area and time. It works exceptionally well for solo players or someone with a companion, making it the best class in the game. 

This is sum up for this guide for more similar content do read our Outriders Guides for more helpful content such as Dark Souls 3 or Royal High Halo and more.

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