Fresh Carrot Lost Ark | Quest, Tips, Tricks (2024)

Fresh Carrot Lost Ark: The players or the users of the Lost Ark may know that in the lost ark many different types of quests are available. All kinds of players may be new players may old players, and all of them can be able to participate in the quests of the lost ark.

By winning those quests or by completing those quests the players will be able to gain or they will be able to claim different types of rewards that they will use in there throughout the journey. So among all of the quests held in the lost ark, today’s topic is the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark.

The quest named carrot and stick quest in the lost ark is the top most famous and lovable quest ever in the lost ark. This carrot and stick quest is the type of island-side quest held in the lost ark for the players. In this island side quest named the carrot and stick quest if the players join there then they were given a task in this carrot and stick quest in the lost ark.

The players or the gamers of the lost ark have to catch different types of fish which the players will be able to find from the island where the carrot and the stick quest will be held in the Lost Ark.

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The players who are participating in this quest are named carrot and stick quest in the lost ark will be a little bit confused if they are not fishing in the right place to catch the fish from the island.

fresh carrot lost ark

Catching the different types of fish is the main task that will be given to the players. So the players have to concentrate on fishing and they have to look for the fish in the right place. Otherwise, the players will not be able to catch fish to win the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark.

So if there is any player or any user of the lost ark who may want to know more about the quest named carrot and stick quest in the lost ark.

There from the below discussion, the players will be able to find the whole concept of the carrot and stick quest, the players will be able to know how they will be able to win the carrot and stick quest and the players will be also able to know that where they have to find the fishes in the island where the quest named carrot and stick quest will be held in the lost ark.

So the 1st part comes which is how the players will be able to unlock the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark. The steps by applying which the players will be able to unlock the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark are stated below. Interested players may check out these steps.

How You Can Unlock The Carrot And Stick Quest in the Lost Ark

The players of the lost ark will be able to unlock the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark by following the below steps:

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As a player of the lost ark, they may know that the carrot and stick quest is a kind of island quest in the island city of the lost ark. So to unlock this carrot and stick quest the players of the lost ark 1st have to do

1. To unlock the carrot and stick quest the players 1st have to talk or they have to communicate with the “Gold Scalloper Captain Velbaro” in the island city of the lost ark.

2. After talking with the “Gold Scalloper Captain Velbaro” in the island city of the lost ark a new quest will be opened.

3. This new quest’s name is the “Fearsome Man-eating Monster” quest.

4. The players of the lost ark who may want to unlock the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark they 1st have to complete this “Fearsome man-eating monster” quest in the lost ark.

If the players get able to complete the above-stated quest named “Fearsome man-eating monster” quest in the lost ark island city then the quest named carrot and stick quest will be unlocked. Then the players of the lost ark will be able to participate in the carrot and stick quest in the lost ark.

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What is the Location of the Lost Ark Island City

The players of the lost ark will be able to find the island city of the lost ark in the “Platina Ocean”. This Platina ocean will be situated on the eastern side of Arkesia in the lost ark. To complete the carrot and stick quest the players have to reach there.

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