Mathematically Correct Sett Build Season 12

What is the Mathematically Correct Sett Build in League of Legends? Why is it so overpowered? And what are the Pros and Cons of this build?

Keep reading to learn more about this Overpowered build! I hope you enjoy this article! They also allow for massive Sett W shields. Mathematically Correct Sets can bring your parents back to life.

However, you must follow certain steps to obtain the correct build. The following guide will give you an overview of how to get the Mathematically Correct Sett to build.

Mathematically Correct Sett

Mathematically Correct Sett Build Order (November)

Updated Sett Build:

This Mathematically Correct Sett Build was shared by DandDlegend Reddit users.

  • Goliath’s Ascendency
  • Ionian Boots
  • Sterak’s Gauge
  • Titanic hydra
  • Spear of Shojin
  • Warmog’s

Old Sett Build

  • Dorans Blade
  • Goredrinker
  • Steraks Gage
  • Black Cleaver
  • Titanic Hydra

Warmogs Why is the Mathematically Correct Sett Build Overpowered?

The Mathematically Correct Sett Build is one of the most popular builds in League of Legends, with more than two million views on YouTube. It was developed by Matthew Knipfer, creator of the Deep League on YouTube.

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This build relies on calculations when selecting various items. The focus is on attack damage and HP. The Mathematically Correct Sett Build starts with a Doran’s Blade and Health Potion, aiming to maximize the effects o

f the Ionian Boots of Lucidity. The Mathematically Correct Set Build prioritizes AD and health and stacks HP. It can also have massive shields, such as Sett W. While it may be a strong option for players who want to stack their health and CC, the build doesn’t handicap players.

It can even win a fight without a win. How exactly does this Correct Sett build work? The mathematically correct Sett build is the best build for Tanks in Dota 2. The math is straightforward – the sett builds its health and attack damage to the highest possible levels, stacking the last two until the end of the game.

With this build, you can achieve 5,000 health and 2,000 true damage. Unlike other builds that are dependent on health, the sett is not handicapped by HP or attack damage, but rather, focuses on the three key states, namely attack damage, haste, and health. The first step in the build is to pick the stats you need.

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The Mathematically Correct Sett build calls for the Steraks Gage, Black Cleaver, Titanic Hydra, and Warmog’s Armor. You should maximize your W, to increase your damage, and make sure to use the correct items in the right order.

The second step is to find a tank that is capable of high damage. It is extremely effective and requires only two stats to obtain. You must also have no resistance, and your primary focus should be on attack damage. You must also maximize your Grit bar, so you can take tons of damage while obliterating health bars.

To get the Mathematically Correct Sett Build, you must have the skills and items that will improve the Stats you have.

Pros & Cons of the Mathematically Correct Sett build?

The Mathematically Correct Set build is a relatively straightforward one that focuses on two key stats: health and attack damage. You can also stack health and attack damage with the use of the Grasp of the Undying keystone rune.

It has been deemed an excellent choice for a DPS build in League of Legends, as it is incredibly effective at dealing massive damage. While this build isn’t particularly defensive, the amount of damage it can deal is high enough to out due most teams.

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The mathematically correct Set is not the most powerful champion in League of Legends, but it is still a viable champion for the right team. Despite its lower win rate, Sett has more utility and CC than Aatrox, making it an ideal pick for team fights.

Aatrox is an inferior counter to Sett, and should only be used by players who are dedicated to gold and objective taking.

This is sum up for this correct sett build guide for similar content do read our League of Legends Guides for more helpful information.

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