Stardew Valley: How to Get and Use Statue of Uncertainty

The monument of Uncertainty is a small, circular monument found in Pelican Town’s Sewers. You can interact with the statue at any moment after you obtain entrance to the Sewers.

The statue asks you whether you want to alter any of your unlocked Professions for 10,000g. The five skills accessible for career advancement are given below.

  • Combat
  • Foraging
  • Fishing
  • Farming
  • Mining

Choose the one you want to alter and wait until you go to bed in order to choose the new Professions.

When you achieve Level 5 in the specified skill, you will be prompted to choose a new Profession route. If you unlocked a second Profession by achieving Level 10, you must pick it after selecting your chosen Level 5 Profession.

How Often Can You Change Professions?

You may possibly switch between Stardew Professions every day without penalty (save for 10,000g). However, we do not recommend doing so instead, aim to solely change occupations to meet your present demands.

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How To Change Professions In Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley
Image via ConcernedApe

The Statue of Uncertainty is located on the left side of the Sewers, across from Krobus’s store.

Here’s how it works:

  • Donate 10,000g.
  • Choose which skill you want to change Professions in.
  • Wait until night when you go to bed to pass time to the next day.
  • The game will prompt you to choose new Professions for Level 5 and Level 10, if reached.

If the player wishes to alter their Level 10 Profession, they must also pick the Level 5 Profession. The entire branch, not just the Level 10 skill, gets reset.

This procedure may be repeated as many times as the player desires, as long as they have the financial resources to keep paying for the modification.

Unfortunately, once the skill is reset at the Statue of Uncertainty, all Profession benefits are lost. For more similar guides do check our Stardew Valley guides section.

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