Dragon Quest Dai Tier List (2024)

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai is a popular mobile phone available for both Android and iOS platforms. Basically, the game was inspired by Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai a Japanese manga.

Similar to other video games there are lots of playable characters in the Dragon Quest Dai and picking some of the strongest in your team is kind of a confusing task. We have composed a tier list of Dragon Quest Dai characters with the help of the gaming community of DQ dai such as Discord, Facebook and more.

Dragon Quest Dai Tier List

dq dai tier list

This DQ Dai tier list is based on the current game meta of the character’s stats such as survivability, damage out, defence and support and more. There are five tiers in this tier list in which S Tier has the all overpowered characters and the D tier has the weakest characters.

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Dragon Quest Dai Tier List of Best Characters

  TierName of the Characters
  SAvan, Dai
  APopp, Hyunckel

DQ Quest Dai – Weapons Tier List

And in this game with the characters, there is one very important thing which is the weapons, so here we are also going to share with you the DQ Dai Weapons Tier List which should be very important for you.

TierName of the Weapons
SLighting Lance, Vortex AXE, Knife of Papnica
AShadow Armor Blade, Battle AXE
BMagical Booster, Platinum Lance
CRune Staff, Staff of Glad Tidings
DAvan’s Sword

DQ Quest Dai – Armor Tier List

We also share a DQ Quest Dai armor tier list in which the S tier has all the strongest armor and the D tier has all the weakest armor in the game.

TierThe Name of the Armor
SDragon Mail Legs, Dragon Mail Top, Dragon Shield, Sorcerer’s Robe Top
AValkyrie Armour Top, Valkyrie Armour Legs, Sorcerer’s Cloak Top, Sorcerer’s Robe Legs, Lunar Robe Top, Power Shield, Clown Shirt
BClown Trousers, Lunar Robe Legs, Silver Shield, Enhanced Shield,
CBrigandine, Silver Cuirass, Platinum Shield, Brigandine Bottoms
DPlatinum Platter, Silver Platter, Warrior Shield

This is the end of the Dragon Quest Dai tier list guide for more helpful content do read our Tier List guides for more helpful content.

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