Secret Base Guard’s Eye Locations | The Soul Left in X-301

Secret Base Guards Eye Locations: Lost Ark is the game that was nominated for many awards, it won six-game awards in various categories at the Korea Game Awards 2019.

The game was developed for under 84.5$ million. The gamers love to play the game and also stream on social media platforms because lost ark is a fantasy massively multiplayer online action role-playing game (MMOARPG).

Also, the game is co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate’s game development subsidiary Smilegate RPG.

The game was first fully released in the South Korean region on December 4, 2019. After that, The game was released in European and North American regions on February 11, 2022, in these regions lost ark was published by Amazon Games.

To continue your journey in the Lost Ark, the Secret Base Guard’s Eye Sensor in The Soul Left in the X-301 quest is a piece of an enemy that you have to collect to complete one of the steps. There is possibly no other way to move forward in the lost ark without completing the secret base guards’ eye portion of the story.

This part of the game is quite complicated, the secret base guards drop the eye sensor. Also, they will appear randomly so you have to know their algorithm of them to defeat them, further secret base guards do not spawn all over the map.

This guide will help you know all about the secret base guards’ eye sensor to complete the soul Left in X-301 Lost Ark quest in general. 

Location of Secret Base Guard Eye Sensor in Lost Ark

To get to the location you have to reach the ocean. In the spectrum of the ocean near artheline land, you will see a small island. When you reach there will be three locations where you can find the eye sensor.  

secret base guards eye

Secret Base Guards Eye Sensor

To accomplish the secret base guard’s eye in the X-301 quest in the Lost Ark, you will require to find the Secret Base Guard’s Eye Sensor.

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To know the location you will need to first find Diego’s Mom in Starlight Isle. She will assist you to locate the secret base and she will give you the second entry of Favreau. To search for the exact location of it you will need to read to follow the further part to facility X-301.  

After you reach the facility, the further part of the game secret base guard’s eye becomes simple, in other parts of the secret base guard you have to follow the quest markers from NPC to NPC, as you complete the quest you will reach high.

But there is one cache in the NPC, in one of the quests you have to repair B-0031. To complete that quest, you will need, a secret base guards eye sensor, steel divers arm circuitry, and steel divers join rivet. In this part, the steel divers are not easy to find but you have to look carefully for eye sensors.

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How To Get The Guards Eye Sensor in the Soul Left in x 301 

To get the secret base guards eye sensor in lost ark soul left in the x 301 quests. You have to follow three locations on the map. This part of the game is quite frustrating, to get the eye sensor you have to defeat any of them.

But these mobs have no fixed location on these spots. You have to reach the location randomly, the mobs will spawn every three to five members. To complete this portion you have to circle these points at every different times.

So either you can stay in one place to find the mobs and after defeating them you can move to another location. These enemies are racing robots with tanks on their backs, which appear as a thrashing rams with a giant blades in the front.

You have to fight with them till you get the eye sensor from them, after receiving the eye sensor you can repair the B-0031 in the secret base guards’ eye. 

Guards Eye Sensor in the Soul Left In x 301 

Now after receiving all the essential things from the task you have to follow the search markers to reach the next level in the game.

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This quest will be complete with Lena’s journey to Starlight isle. When you reach there you will find the other quest to complete.

When you complete this quest you will also receive the reward for completing the soul left in x-301, the reward includes 155 Rooster XP, 427 Silver and 2 Lavish Harmony Leapstone chests.  

To Complete This Task Easily you Should Follow This Trick 

The difficulty of the game is that the loot is not confirmed. When you kill any of the enemies in that location you will not get the desired item from them.

So you have to kill every single of them to complete the quest. So if you go there with the party it will be easy for you to get the items.

If any of your members kill mobs and they receive the items, the party will receive the rewards. You will get all items after defeating the mob’s enemies.  

This is the end of this guide.

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